Engaging, online AML training UK courses.

Now there’s a simpler, faster and more flexible way to deliver employee AML training in the UK. Our online AML courses and platform makes anti money laundering training easy.

Alpha AML Training Alpha AML Training
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Modern training people enjoy. Our unique AML content is rated 4.7/5 stars by learners!
We remind your team to train and handle the training compliance register, so you don’t have to.
Manage your team’s online AML training UK with one simple subscription.
We’re proud to work with leading brands
Stars Decoration

Rated 4.7/5 from 2,000+ reviews

What Alpha AML teams are saying:

How It Works

  1. One seat, multiple courses – our flexible subscriptions let you purchase as many seats as you need for your team (one seat / per user).
  2. Simple, centralised admin – uploading your users and adding them into AML training UK courses is easy.
  3. Convenient, engaging training – users are able to complete training anytime, on any connected device.